05 September, 2007

Hate tag:

Three things I hate about you:

1. that most of your preoccupations are either football- or sex- related

2. that you are involved with another girl an you are trying very hard NOT to be you

3. that you think i'm your friend and you confess several things that get me a mutilated ego...

Pupici pisi!

27 August, 2007

Survival guide, pentru alea mai mici

regula 1. nu face panica. mai gandeshte-te 5 minute.

regula 2. nu ai gandit suficient, si dak te alintsi si zici k nu ajt in stare, suna un prieten, baga mess cu sorta.

regula 3. nu face panica pe nimicuri, look at the fuckin big picture

regula 4 have some faith, in pula mea. si a ta, daca tot e...

Sarutmainile, Cri.